SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

SCC Cherokee Book Club – Stephen King

Carrie by Stephen King


Below are the discussion questions from the Chapter Two (Cherokee Campus Library’s Book Club) meeting on March 20, 2008


King has stated that he did not feel sympathy for Carrie when he began this novel.  Did you?  Where did your feelings change at the beginning or the end? 

Do you believe that the pranks in the book are too extreme or realistic?

Why does everyone hate Carrie?


How does the book reflect the theme of “popularity cannot protect you from everything” ?


Telekinesis is very powerful and, as evidenced in the novel, uncontrollable at times.  Why has Carrie been chosen to have this power?


They also talked a little of the symbolic meaning blood can have and how that symbolism is reflected in the novel.


Submitted by Tanya Newman, Library Specialist (Cherokee Campus Library).


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