SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

September 15th – “A Day Late, A Dollar Short” by Terry McMillan

Below is the book discussion from the SCC Book Corner meeting on September 15, 2008.

These are my personal comments about this novel.

This is Terry McMillan’s fifth novel. Viola is the matriarch of the Price family. Viola is strong and loves her family. The Price family includes Cecil (former husband), Paris (oldest daughter), Lewis (only son), Charlotte (mid-daughter) and Janelle (youngest daughter). The children are grown, but Viola is always in their personal business. The family is very colorful; Terry covers teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual abuse in this novel.  I enjoyed this novel, because Terry gave each character a real voice. Paris is a control freak. Lewis has a good heart; but he is just lost. Charlotte is unforgiving and hard headed. Janelle is unsettled. This is a brief snapshot of an African-American family.

Author’s Quote:

“My hope for my readers is that broken relationships among family members might be looked at again.”

Terry McMillan

Leverne McBeth, Library Specialist (Central Campus)

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