SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

February 16th-“The Audacity of Hope” by Barack Obama

Below are comments from the SCC Book Corner Meeting and on Febraury 16th 2009.

  • This book comes with a cute disclaimer. Obama tells readers that he does not have all the answers. He is merely taking a board look at policy issues in America, but at the same time he is revealing a part of himself.
  • I love the moment when President Bush gave Obama advice about Washington. My favorite quote was “you’ve got a bright future,” said President Bush.  He hitted the hammer on the head with that comment.
  • This book was more measured and cautious than his first book Dreams of My Father. The Audacity of Hope took me through a series on chapters about politics, faith, face, family, and an outline of what needs to change in America.
  • I enjoyed the history lesson in this book.

 If you enjoyed The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama try……….

Dreams of my Father: a Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama

E185.97 .O23

Change We can Believe In by Barack Obama

E901.1 .02 2008B  – Sound Recording


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