SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

Archive for the tag “Book Corner”

Next Book Discussion – November 17, 2008

Next Book Discussion

Date: November 17, 2008

Time: 12:30 pm

Location: Cuppa Cabeana (Library Building’s Lobby)

Book: Any novel by Stephenie Meyer

“Eclipse” Tops YALSA’s 2008 Teens’ Top Ten

More than 8,000 teen readers across the country chose Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer as their favorite book in the annual Teens’ Top Ten vote, sponsored by YALSA. The online vote took place during Teen Read Week, October 12–18, with the third entry in Meyer’s popular vampire romance series winning easily over J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid….  YALSA’s Teens’ Top Ten






Next Book Discussion – June 16

Date: June 16, 2008

Time: 12:30 pm

Location: Cuppa Cabeana (Library Building’s Lobby)

Book Discussion: Tis by Frank McCourt

About the Book:  Tis is the second volume in the autobiography of Frank McCourt. The first volume, Angela’s Ashes, told the story of his boyhood. Tis picks up when McCourt arrives as a young man in New York City after spending most of his childhood in Ireland. He finds the city an imposing and seedy place, made worse by McCourt’s feeling of insecurity and isolation. He seems to be facing a bleak future after surviving several tough years. Even though he paints America as a dark place, McCourt eventually makes his way through, enlisting in the army, getting into college, and landing his first teaching job.

Gale Database: What Do I Read Next?


SCC Book Corner’s Blog



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