SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

Archive for the tag “booklist”

Winter Break 2010

What’s on Your Reading List this Winter Break?

I asked the SCC Library Staff to share their reading list during the Winter Break.

I just started a newly released title called My Name Is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira. It is about Mary Sutter, a midwife during the Civil War, who wishes to become a surgeon. During this time in history, women did not become physicians or surgeons. I can see that she is going to have a struggle!

Judy Parham, Adjunct Librarian (Cherokee County Campus)

I am reading Faithful Place by Tana French and The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam by Eliza Griswold.

Barbara Scala, Technical Services Librarian

I just started reading Train Your Dog in No Time by Ellen Whiteley. I just got a puppy and who loves to bite objects. I will devote part of my winter break training him. I am planning on reading A Stranger for Christmas by Carol Lynn Pearson for my pleasure reading. This book is a short read about having the Christmas Spirit. Two women in a nursing home are determined to find goodness in others during the holiday season.

Levenre McBeth, Library Specialist

Sci-Fiction Collection @ SCC

Check out our Sci-Fiction Books at any of SCC Library locations.

  • Ground Zero by Kevin Anderson PS3551. N37442 G76 1996
  • Butterfly by V.C. Andrews PS3551. N454 B888 1998
  • Criss Cross by Lynne Rae Perkins PS3556. E755 C75 2005
  • The Wilding by C. S. Friedman PS3556. R5184 W55 2004
  • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins PS3553. O476 H86 2008
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins PS3553. O476 C38 2009
  • Armageddon’s Children by Terry Brooks PS3552. R6596 A76 2007

These titles and more are located in our Popular Fiction collection.

Central Campus

Cherokee Campus

Tyger River Campus

Black History Month – Respect the Past

Celebrate Black History Month @ the SCC Libraries……….

Non-Fiction Collection

Before the Mayflower: a History of Black America

by Lerone Bennett     E185 .B4 2007

This book contents the entire historical timeline of African American history from the colonial period through the civil rights period.


Up Against the Wall: violence in the Making and Unmaking of the Black Panther Party

by Curtis Austin    E185.615 .A88 2006

Curtis Austin interviewed a number of Black Panther Party’s members to achieve a helpful resource about the BPP. 

Inhuman Bondage: the Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World

by David Davis     E441 .D2495 2006

Slavery is not a pleasant subject to discuss, but it is an important part of American History. This book allows every reader to acquire a broad understanding of this historical story.


The Voice that Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle to Equal Rights.

by Russell Freedman       ML3930 .A5 F73 2004

This book is a biography of Marian Anderson, African American vocalist. Anderson symbolized the civil rights movement with dignity and grace; she was the first African-American to be named a permanent member of Metropolitan Opera Company and was a frequent performer at the White House.

Ghost Stories @ SCC Libraries

Ghost Stories Just in Time for Halloween

The Journals of Eleanor Druse: My Investigation of the Kingdom Hospital Incident

Author: Eleanor Druse

PS3554. R874 J68 2004 — Book on Cassette


Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush

Author: Virginia Hamilton

PS3558. A444 S9 2001


Listen & Read the Monkey’s Paw and Other Great Ghost stories

Author: W.W. Jabcobs

PR1309. G5 L563 1997X — Book on Cassette


America’s Most Haunted Places

Author: Nancy Roberts

BF1472. U6 R6 1987


Ghosts & Specters of the Old South: Ten Supernatural Stories

Author: Nancy Roberts

PZ8.1. R525 GH 1984


South Carolina Ghost Tales

Author: Nell Graydon

GR580. G7


Guys Read

Here are some authors recommended by “Guy Read” voters as authors young adult readers really like.


These authors are available in our popular fiction collection at the SCC Library.


  •          Orson Scott Card – science fiction
  •          Chris Lynch – sport fiction
  •          M.T. Anderson – science fiction
  •          John Mardsen – war fiction
  •          Paul Zindel – horror/thriller
  •          Nancy Farmer  –  science fiction

July’s Booklist @ SCC Library

If you enjoy reading memoirs try…..

Running with Scissors: a Memoir
Augusten Burroughs
PS3552. U745 Z47 2002

Reading Lolita in Tehran: a Memoir in Books
Azar Nafisi
PE64. N34 A3 2003

When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: a Memoir of Africa
Peter Godwin
DT2999. G63 A3 2007

The Art of Teaching
Jay Parini
LA2317. P335 A3 2005

Dear Senator: a Memoir by the Daughter of Strom Thurmond
Essie Mae Washington-Williams
E748. T58 W37 2005

Funny in Farsi: a Memoir of Growing Up Iranian America
Firoozeh Dumas
E184. I5 D86 2004

Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy
Carlos Eire
E184. C97 E37 2003

Finding Fish: a Memoir
Antwone Q. Fisher
F499. C69 N33 2001

Rocket Boys: a Memoir
Homer H. Hickam
TL789.85 .H53 A3 2000

The Seamstress: a Memoir of Survival
Sara T. Bernstein
DS135. R73 B47 1999

John Glenn: a Memoir
John Glenn
E840. G54 A3 1999

Yellow Black: the First Twenty-One Years of a Poet’s Life: a Memoir
Haki Madhubuti
PS3563. A3397 Z478 2005

Last Moon Dancing: a Memoir of Love and Real Life in Africa
Monique M. Schmidt
DT541.83 .S36 A3 2005

Love in the Time of Cholesterol: a Memoir with Recipes
Cecily Ross
RC684. D5 R675 2006

In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs: a Memoir of Iran
Christopher De Ballaigue
DS259.2 .D43 2005

Talking Back – to Presidents, Dictators, and Assorted Scoundrels
Andrea Mitchell
PN4874. M538 A3 2005

The Women who Raised Me: a Memoir
Victoria Rowell
PN2287. R774 A3 2007

Quiet Strength: a Memoir
Tony Dungy
R1725. D738 A3 2007

Growing up King: an Intimate Memoir
Dexter Scott King
E185.97 .K5 K52 2003

April’s Booklist @ SCC Library

If you liked Sidney Sheldon or Danielle Steel……….

Try these Authors:

Jeffrey Archer                                Judy Blume

Pat Booth                                      Barbara Taylor Bradford

Jacqueline Briskin                         Jackie Collins

Shirley Conran                              Janet Dailey

Julie Ellis                                      Cynthia Freeman

Judith Gould                                 Andrew Greeley

Ruth Harris                                   Susan Isaacs

Michael Korda                               Judith Krantz



November’s Booklist @ SCC Library

 November is National Career Development Month and the SCC Library is celebrating this event by featuring career books at the library.

Career Guidance Books 

Title:      101 best resumes for grads     Author:  Jay A. Block and Michael Betrus  HF5383 .B534 2003                            

Title:      101 Careers: a guide to the fastest-growing opportunities  Author:  Michael Harkavy  HF5429.3 .H37 1999                         

Title:      101 careers in nursing     Author:  Jeanne M. Novotny  RT82 .A15 2006                              

Title:      Amazing résumés: what employers want to see and how to say it   Author:  Jim Bright and Joanne Earl  HF5383 .B69 2006                            

Title:     America’s top 100 jobs for people without a four-year degree: great jobs with a promising future  Author:  Ronald L. and Caryl Rae Krannich  HF5382.75 .U6 K716 2005   

Business Etiquette Books 

Title:     5 steps to professional presence: how to project confidence, competence, and credibility at work   Author:  Susan Bixler and Lisa Scherrer Dugan     HF5386 .B59 2001                            

Title:      Business etiquette in brief: the competitive edge for today’s professional  Author:  Ann Marie Sabath  HF5389 .S23 1999                            

Title:      Don’t take the last donut: new rules of business etiquette  Author:  Judith Bowman  HF5389 .B69 2007                             

Title:      Dressing smart for men: 101 mistakes you can’t afford to make– and how to avoid them    Author:  JoAnna Nicholson  TT618 .N53 2004                             

Title:      Dressing smart for women: 101 mistakes you can’t afford to make – and how to avoid them  Author:  JoAnna Nicholson TT507 .N53 2004                             

Career Development Books 

Title:      50 best jobs for your personality   Author:  Michael Farr and Laurence Shatkin HF5381.15 .F3618 2005                      

Title:      100+ winning answers to the toughest interview questions  Author:  Casey Hawley HF5549.5.I6 H38 2001                        

Title:      Back on the career track: a guide for stay-at-home moms who want to return to work  Author:  Carol Fishman Cohen HF5382.65 .C64 2007                         

Title:      The career troubleshooter: tips and tools for overcoming the 21 most common challenges to success  Author:  Sherrie Gong Taguchi  HF5381 .T2212 2006                          

Title:      If I don’t do it now–: career makeovers for the working woman  Author:  Pamela Robinson and Nadine Schiff HF5384 .R63 2001                            

Title:      The job search solution: the ultimate system for finding a great job now!  Author:  Tony Beshara  HF5382.7 .B472 2006                         

Title:      The Nia guide for black women: achieving career success on your terms         HD6054.2 .U6 N53 2004 

Title:      Quick guide to college majors and careers    Author:  Laurence Shatkin.               LB2361.5 .S53 2002                          


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