SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

Archive for the tag “Carl Hiaasen”

May – Mystery Month

Welcome Summer Students,

Take a minute and review SCC Libraries Mystery Collection.

Mystery Month

Double Whammy

By Carl Hiaasen

Private eye, R.J. Decker, is searching for a cheater at a sporting event (bass fishing) but instead steps into a murder investigation in Coon Bog, Florida. This novel is an earlier work by Carl Hiaasen. This story contains humorous situations and fast pace fun.

Mistress of Mellyn

By Victoria Holt

This classic novel has a romantic suspense plot.  Connan TreMellyn is a widow and looking for a governess for his daughter. Martha Leigh is the new governess for the wealthy TreMellyn Family. Martha falls in love with the master of the house and discovers the mystery about the death of Connan’s wife.

Cookie Cutter

By Sterling Anthony

This novel has a psychological suspense plot. The killings are racially charged and Mary Cunningham, Detroit’s Homicide Lieutenant is on the case. This novel contains graphic violence and sexual situations. The storyline could inspire book discussions about race and black culture in the South (1960s) and Detroit, Michigan (1990’s). I recommend this book to any Walter Mosley fan.


Southern Fried                  By Cathy Pickens

The Blackheath Poisonings: A Victorian Murder Mystery             

 By Julian Symons

Paying the Piper              By Sharyn McCrumb

Simon Said                         By Sarah Shaber

Play Dirty                            By Sandra Brown

Dust to Dust                       By Tami Hoag

Popular fiction books can be checked out for 3 weeks at any of SCC Libraries (Central, Cherokee, and Tyger River).

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