SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

Archive for the tag “Cherokee Campus”

Black History Month – Respect the Past

Celebrate Black History Month @ the SCC Libraries……….

Non-Fiction Collection

Before the Mayflower: a History of Black America

by Lerone Bennett     E185 .B4 2007

This book contents the entire historical timeline of African American history from the colonial period through the civil rights period.


Up Against the Wall: violence in the Making and Unmaking of the Black Panther Party

by Curtis Austin    E185.615 .A88 2006

Curtis Austin interviewed a number of Black Panther Party’s members to achieve a helpful resource about the BPP. 

Inhuman Bondage: the Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World

by David Davis     E441 .D2495 2006

Slavery is not a pleasant subject to discuss, but it is an important part of American History. This book allows every reader to acquire a broad understanding of this historical story.


The Voice that Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle to Equal Rights.

by Russell Freedman       ML3930 .A5 F73 2004

This book is a biography of Marian Anderson, African American vocalist. Anderson symbolized the civil rights movement with dignity and grace; she was the first African-American to be named a permanent member of Metropolitan Opera Company and was a frequent performer at the White House.

SCC Cherokee Book Club – Gregory Maguire

Wicked by Gregory Maguire


Below are the discussion questions from the Chapter Two meetings on May 22nd and 29th.


1.  How has your view of Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West), the Wizard and Galinda (Glinda) changed after reading Elphaba’s side of the story, The Wizard of Oz? 


2.  After seeing another side of the story, do you have a new favorite character or least favorite character?


3.  The color green can have many (sometimes clashing) connotations: luck, envy, inexperience, greed, new life, etc.  This color is used throughout the novel (in Elphaba’s skin color, the City of Emeralds, the green potion bottle Elphaba’s father used to suppress her mother).  Do you see any symbolic significance in the novel where the color green is used?


4.  How does the theme of misunderstanding and being careful not to judge a book by its cover come into play in this novel?


5.  The novel, Wicked, has been made into a successful Broadway musical, with plans for a motion picture based on that musical to be released in the next few years.  What actors do you believe would play the parts well?  Would they be similar to or different from the actors who played in the original film, The Wizard of Oz?  Why?


The next book will be The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

The meetings will be on Thursday, June 12 at 12:30 and Thursday, June 26 at 3:00

in Study Room 105 of the Cherokee Campus Library.


Submitted by Tanya Newman, Library Specialist (Cherokee County Campus Library)

SCC Cherokee Campus’ Chapter Two

The SCC Cherokee Campus Library has a book club

Chapter Two discusses a new reading selection the first Thursday of each month at 12:30 p.m. and hosts a recap meeting the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are held in the SCC Cherokee Library, room 105. All are welcome (staff, faculty, and students).

Next Meeting: Thursday, March 6th @ 12:30 p.m.

Book: “Carrie” by Stephen King

Contact person: Tanya Newman (864) 206-2656  or

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