SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

Archive for the tag “Sidney Sheldon”

April 21st – Sidney Sheldon

Sidney Sheldon

The popular fiction of Sidney Sheldon is charaterized by broad, passionate, dramatic stories, often set in the contemporary worlds of the very rich and the very powerful.

Below are the discussion questions from the SCC Book Corner meeting on April 21st 2008.

1. What book did you read by Sidney Sheldon? Did you like the book? If you have read any of the author’s other books, how does this compare?

2. How did you feel about the characters? Whom did you like or not like and why?

3. What did you think of the ending?

4. In a movie version, who would play what part?

5. What moral/ethical choices did the character(s) make? What did you think of those choices? How would you have chosen?



April’s Booklist @ SCC Library

If you liked Sidney Sheldon or Danielle Steel……….

Try these Authors:

Jeffrey Archer                                Judy Blume

Pat Booth                                      Barbara Taylor Bradford

Jacqueline Briskin                         Jackie Collins

Shirley Conran                              Janet Dailey

Julie Ellis                                      Cynthia Freeman

Judith Gould                                 Andrew Greeley

Ruth Harris                                   Susan Isaacs

Michael Korda                               Judith Krantz



Next Book Discussion – April 21st

Date:     April 21st 2008

Time:    12:30 pm

Location:   The Cuppa Cabeana (Library Building)

Book:      Any book by Sidney Sheldon

From Broadway to Hollywood to best-selling novels, Sidney Sheldon was well known as a prolific writer in several fields. Though best known for his novels, which have been published in 51 languages, he was also an award-winning playwright and screenwriter, having received an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Tony. “At his best, Mr. Sheldon was considered a master storyteller whose novels were known for their meticulous research, swift pacing, lush settings and cliffhanging chapters,” wrote columnist Margalit Fox for the New York Times. In 1997, the Guinness Book of World Records listed Sheldon as the most widely read author in the world. 

“Sidney Sheldon.” Newsmakers 2. (2008). Biography Resource Center. Gale. Spartanburg Community Coll. Lib. 22 March 2008.

Wired for Books: Audio Interview with Sidney Sheldon

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