SCC Book Corner

The SCC Book Corner is a reading group dedicated to reading fiction and nonfiction works.

Archive for the tag “Winter Reading”

Winter Break 2010

What’s on Your Reading List this Winter Break?

I asked the SCC Library Staff to share their reading list during the Winter Break.

I just started a newly released title called My Name Is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira. It is about Mary Sutter, a midwife during the Civil War, who wishes to become a surgeon. During this time in history, women did not become physicians or surgeons. I can see that she is going to have a struggle!

Judy Parham, Adjunct Librarian (Cherokee County Campus)

I am reading Faithful Place by Tana French and The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam by Eliza Griswold.

Barbara Scala, Technical Services Librarian

I just started reading Train Your Dog in No Time by Ellen Whiteley. I just got a puppy and who loves to bite objects. I will devote part of my winter break training him. I am planning on reading A Stranger for Christmas by Carol Lynn Pearson for my pleasure reading. This book is a short read about having the Christmas Spirit. Two women in a nursing home are determined to find goodness in others during the holiday season.

Levenre McBeth, Library Specialist

Winter Break

What’s on Your Reading List this Winter Break?

I asked the SCC Library Staff to share their reading list during the Winter Break.

I will finish The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wrobleswki – a wonderful coming-of-age story of a mute boy who copes with his father’s death and an uncle disrupts his peaceful home.  As Edgar grieves for his father, he seeks solace in company of a fictional breed of dog.  This book will be a modern classic.

 After that, I will read the nonfiction book, Good to Great; Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t by Jim Collins.

 Judy Parham,

Adjunct Librarian


Debra Cohen’s favorite Christmas book is “Christ In Christmas: A Family Advent Celebration” by James Dobson.

Debra Cohen,

Library Technical Assistant


Right now I am reading The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty.  It was published in 2004 and has a “quirky hero,”  279 pounds Smithy Ide, who rides his Raleigh bicycle from ME to CA meeting many interesting and humorous characters along the way. I have my name on the request list for the Story of Edgar Sawtelle, an Oprah Book Club selection, by Wroblewski which I hope will come available during semester break.  The Sparrow, a fantasy by Mary Doria Russell is the next book for discussion in my monthly Bad Girls’ Book Club.

Susan Boynton,
Library Specialist
Right now I am reading “Making Change: a transformational guide to Christian money management” by Kenneth Hemphill. This nonfiction book provides readers with the essential tools of money management for Christians. I will be reading “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham, and “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn” by Stephenie Meyer during the Christmas Break.

Leverne McBeth,

Library Specialist


Still Don’t know what to read during the Winter Break?

Try these titles…….

The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans

PS3555.V 259 C48 1993


Good Harbor by Anita Diamant

PS 3554. I227 G66 2001


Between Father and Son: an African-American Fable by Eric V. Copage

PS 3553. O634 B48 2005


In the Image by Dara Horn

PS 3608. O4945 I6 2002


Comfort and Joy: Nine Stories for Christmas by Kirk H. Neely

PS 3614. E35 C66 2006

These titles are available at the SCC Libraries. Happy Holidays.

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